Timber Products Website
Timber Products Website:
Timber Products Company recently launched their new and improved website after months of planning and developing. FPW Media was along for the ride and worked side by side with Timber, shooting stills for all their products, as well as a video of the product cycle that is embedded on their homepage. It was about a 7 month long project, where our team shot in 2 states over 5 days and used the rest of the time editing and making every picture exactly what the company needed. About 90% of the photos on the Timber Products website are photos FPW shot, yet 100% of them are purely Timber Products shot from scratch.
We emphasized displaying each product through a unique still frame, to add detail and texture to the site. Every photo is clear and strategically designed to demonstrate the product in an intriguing way. We used our Canon 5DSR Still Camera for each photo to ensure maximum resolution and color. This project was one that took patience and time to create the perfect stills for every Timber product, but the results advertised on the Timber website made it worth it. Client
Timber Products
Eugene, OR