Friends of mine got me a 20-sided die that had some rather stereotypical “art direction” quotes on each face. “More whitespace” and “I’ve seen it before” along with other funny phrases that tumble by, along with comments about having heard the phrases on several occasions.

Though there are cute, funny, and even a lot of truth in some of these phrases they don’t represent the energy, experience and goal behind them. Direction. Art direction is not a designer but spoken with the designer surrounding a concept. Art direction isn’t a photographer, rather, a conversation with a photographer to reveal a vision. Art direction isn’t a translation of a client’s wants and needs, rather, it’s a revealing of the possibilities from thoughts and even emotions of the client to tangible realities that move people and create trends.
At FPW Media, I leverage 30 years of experience spanning multiple channels and expressions of marketing and strategy, as well as mediums like photography, video and graphic design to bring something new to the client. To bring tried and true theories and practices and shape them into new ideas and new applications. The art direction brought to bear on your project at FPW Media isn’t just a roll of the dice, it’s a sure bet.
by Brian Campbell, Creative Director