Paul was born and raised in Texas. Moving frequently gave him the opportunity to experience a diverse range of perspectives from a variety of people and cultures throughout the state.

Born and raised in the Eugene-Springfield, Oregon area, Gwendolynn has had a lifelong interest in communication, organization, and design. A part-time job in high school working for a small printing

FPW Media Vice President Adam Plantenberg has had an integral role in the growth of FPW Media over its lifetime. His superpower? People skills. Adam’s first job was at Dutch

Sam grew up spending his days in a video rental store in Eugene, Oregon. It was there that he discovered his passion for film. After exploring different majors in college,

Born and raised in California, Samantha first visited Oregon during a family vacation in 2006. During that trip, she fell in love with the state and all it has to

Born and raised in Eugene, Gabriel is currently studying Business Administration at Lane Community College. He has always had an interest in must-have limited shoes from brands such as Nike